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DIVA Zone ™ Magazine

The DIVA Zone™ Magazine:  A bi-monthly online publication
targeting women from all walks of life joined by a common
mission; to become balanced and free. The DIVA Zone™
Magazine offers faith based articles addressing real women’s
issues, health and fitness, practical finance education, fashion and
beauty, career and education tips, exciting events and travel hot
spots, domestic savvy, recipes, arts and entertainment, cultural
awareness, Mommy Time, and outstanding networking and
advertising opportunities.  Currently our online audience reaches a

a national/international combined readership of over 100,000 engaged women with interests in every dimension of our brand from spiritual matters, to family/parenting, health, wealth building and has successfully extended to business development for the small business community over the past two years.

DIVA Zone™ Touring Conferences

DIVA Zone™ Publications
DIVA Zone™ “Mini-Treat” Networking Sister Soirees
DIVA Zone™ Annual Inspirational Holiday Retreat
DIVA Zone™ “BIZ” Network
DIVA Zone™ National Book Club
DIVA Zone™ Artist Network
DIVA Zone™ Daily Dose
DIVA “GIRL” Zone™ (Launching in 2026)

Please contact The DIVA Zone™ for more information on
licensing opportunities.



DIVA Zone ™ Enterprises, LLC

The DIVA Zone™ Enterprises LLC (DZE) is a warm, personal,
congenial experiential brand birthed with the TOTAL Woman’s
Wellness at the core of everything we produce. The DIVA
Zone’s™ sole mission is to aid all women along in the journey to
becoming balanced, powerful, healthy and whole.  Far too many
sisters are operating on empty tanks as we have been groomed
over the centuries to give of ourselves to everyone else;
unfortunately, to our own detriment.  Contrary to what the world
thinks about women, particularly sisters of color being “angry” or
“combative”, we at The DIVA Zone™ know that women are just
tired, depleted and screaming for someone to notice; thus, the
concept and launch of The DIVA Zone™, a tried, trusted and
true nurturing brand experience.

The DIVA Zone™ also realizes that due to the heavy burdens
women carry, we find ourselves unable to love and forgive
ourselves and each other.  The DIVA Zone™ brand offers a safe
haven for women to heal, to accept God’s forgiveness, to
forgive, to cry, and to finally be transparent; all with the
assurance that they will not be judged but loved, unconditionally
by a family of sisters all over this nation who understand and
directly identify with their struggles. The DIVA Zone™ also
creates fun and exciting opportunities for women to celebrate
victory after the struggle as well.  We all need a Girls Night Out
every once in a while!

The DIVA Zone’s™ mandate is to go steps beyond simply
recognizing the problems. The (DZE) Family brand was founded
to offer a myriad of solutions which encourage balanced
lifestyles.  By tapping into what women need and blending it with
what we love to do as “girls” we offer the following products
and services for the TOTAL Woman’s well-being: Spirit, Mind,
and Body.



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